Entrust your genealogy to our expert Irish researchers who have access to onsite records in local archives
Get the help you need to trace your ancestors from the U.S. and Canada back to Ireland
Obtain the documents you need for your application to the Foreign Births Registry and for an Irish Passport
Work with our travel team to plan your customer guided heritage tour to Ireland

Meet our Irish Research Experts:

Joe Buggy

Place of birth: Kilkenny

Irish research expertise: Immigration to New York City

My Irish ancestors are from: Laois and Mayo

Eimer Shea

Place of birth: Mayo

Irish research expertise: Emigration from Donegal

My Irish ancestors are from: Donegal and Galway

Jennie Doyle

Place of birth: Dublin

Irish research expertise: Protestant ancestors and 17th century Ireland

My Irish ancestors are from: Dublin, Carlow, Wexford

Eamon Healy

Place of birth: Galway

Irish research expertise: The Irish Famine and subsequent emigration

My Irish ancestors are from: Galway and Clare

Valerie Prince

Place of birth: Texas

Irish research expertise: Dual citizenship / Finding client’s Irish

ancestors’ places of origin

My Irish ancestors are from: Dublin, Kildare, Antrim

Quentin Burrows

Place of birth: Illinois

Irish research expertise: Irish deed records and citizenship research

My Irish ancestors are from: Sligo and Mayo

Lindsay Jackson

Place of birth: Utah

Irish research expertise: Emigration from Cork, Kerry, and Tipperary

Melinda Barclay

Place of birth: Massachusetts

Irish research expertise: Finding client’s Irish ancestors’ places of origin

My Irish ancestors are from: Down

Lucianna Ravasio

Place of birth: Ohio

Irish research expertise: 1840 to present

My Irish ancestors are from: Limerick and Antrim

Emilie Wood

Place of birth: Birmingham, UK

Irish research expertise: Finding places of origin for Irish immigrants to North America and Great Britain

My Irish ancestors are from: Dublin and Roscommon

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